Get lost on Rainy Lake. With over 1,600 islands on this lake bordering US and Canada, there is a diverse array of fishing. Rainy Lake and surrounding interior lakes are home to multiple species including walleye, crappie, bass, eelpout, white fish, lake trout, and muskie. Additionally, Rainy River is known for its sturgeon fishing. You can fish from a dock, the river's edge, boat, and more. Rainy Lake and Rainy River offer ideal fishing for any fishing enthusiast.
Connect with a fishing guide or explore on your own!
Connect with a fishing guide or explore on your own!
walleye + SAUGER
Open Season: May 10th, 2025 - April 14th, 2026
Combined possession of walleye and sauger limit 8 (not more than four can be walleye).
All walleye from 18-26" must be immediately released. One walleye over 26" allowed in possession.
Combined possession of walleye and sauger limit 8 (not more than four can be walleye).
All walleye from 18-26" must be immediately released. One walleye over 26" allowed in possession.
Open season: Continuous
Possession limit: 10
Possession limit: 10
Open season: June 15 - Nov. 30
Possession limit: 1 (minimum size 50")
Possession limit: 1 (minimum size 50")
lake sturgeon
Seasons on when you can catch and release sturgeon and keep sturgeon vary.
Anglers looking to catch and keep a sturgeon during the keep season must purchase a sturgeon tag. They are allowed 1 sturgeon per calendar year. Fish must be 45″-50″ inclusive or over 75″. Fish must be immediately tagged and registered within 48 hours.
See the “Canada-Minnesota” Border Waters section of the MN DNR fishing regulation booklet for more details about Lake Sturgeon fishing regulations.
- Harvest season: April 24 - May 7
- Catch-and-release only: May 8 - 15 (No tag needed)
- Closed: May 16 - June 30
- Harvest season: July 1 - Sept. 30
- Catch-and- release only: Oct 1 - April 23 of following year (no tag needed)
Anglers looking to catch and keep a sturgeon during the keep season must purchase a sturgeon tag. They are allowed 1 sturgeon per calendar year. Fish must be 45″-50″ inclusive or over 75″. Fish must be immediately tagged and registered within 48 hours.
See the “Canada-Minnesota” Border Waters section of the MN DNR fishing regulation booklet for more details about Lake Sturgeon fishing regulations.
northern pike
Open season: May 10 2025 - February 2026
Regulations allow for a 3-fish limit, with a crucial conservation measure in place: only one fish can be 36 inches or greater, and any pike between 24 and 36 inches must be immediately released to ensure healthy populations for future generations.
Regulations allow for a 3-fish limit, with a crucial conservation measure in place: only one fish can be 36 inches or greater, and any pike between 24 and 36 inches must be immediately released to ensure healthy populations for future generations.
small mouth bass
Smallmouth Bass can be found on Rainy Lake and Rainy River.
Open Season: Continuous
Possession limit: 6 total
Open Season: Continuous
Possession limit: 6 total