It was a very white Christmas for the northland, great news for winter recreation. Some fresh snow will be good for the ski and snowmobile trails. People have been getting out on both already, but more snow will make for well groomed trails. Meanwhile, Rainy Lake continues to freeze up and there’s sufficient ice for spearhouse enthusiasts to get out around the mouth of Black Bay. Anglers are taking portable gear on some of the bays where they have been pulling in some walleye and crappie using jigs and minnows. As always, check on the ice conditions and put safety first. The resorts, guide services and bait shops will all have the latest advice.
Following the holidays, our area will begin celebrating the winter weather and recreation. Icebox Days is a nearly week long winter frolic featuring the well-known “Freeze Yer Gizzard Blizzard Run” 5 and 10k races. Remember, only the bold run in the cold. There will be other events like Blind Joe appearing at Backus Auditorium. Winter gold on Rainy Lake, a toilet seat toss, turkey bowling and smoosh racing. The photo shows teams smooshing, four people are strapped to two-by-fours and then race. Going straight is easy, turning is not.Those and other events are all listed on our calendar under the events tab at the top of the page. Winter programs at Voyageurs National Park will include a Night Light snowshoe hike that is one of the fun things to do during Icebox Days. The Arrowhead Ultra 135 starts here in International Falls at the end of January. Again, you will find additional information on our calendar. There’s a lot of winter recreation opportunities in the area, be sure to stop at our offices during your visit. We have maps and other information and just generally like to say welcome to our guests. |
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