Feb. 28, 2018
It’s that time of year. Warm days and cool nights makes for a great week to ride. After all the snow last week, we have an excellent base and groomers are out. The trails are still in great shape and should continue for the rest of the week. Checking with riders, they are finding excellent riding and are enjoying the warmer temps. It looks like more snow for the weekend, so another chance to have some fun riding here in Voyageur country. Trail conditions are brought to you by Voyageur Trail Society, Inc. Feb. 21, 2018
Snow, Snow, and more Snow. If you are thinking snow, we have it. We have received between 10 and 12 inches of snow since Sunday. It is just awesome here right now. The groomers are out and going full time to get the trails in great shape. We are adding to our base and the trails have lots of snow on them now. Conditions are great. We have more snow in the forecast for the weekend as well. Our entire area received the snow, so the Orr area, Crane lake area, Ash River/ Kabetogama, and Int’l Falls areas are all Grooming full time. So if you are looking for a great time, riding in lots of snow, now is the time to get up here and enjoy some of the best riding of the winter. Trail conditions are brought to you by Voyageur Trail Society, Inc. Feb. 13, 2018 We are ready here in the North Land. We have excellent conditions with a good base and plenty of powder on the trails. With the colder weather, the trails have held up very well and the groomers are out almost daily keeping the trails in excellent condition. The Int’l Falls, Ash River/Kabetogama, Crane Lake and Orr area trails are being groomed and the drivers are doing a great job. The Lake Trails in the Park are being groomed as well and are in the best shape of the winter. The Arrowhead trail south is also in great shape. Groomers are out hitting the heaviest travel areas more often to keep things in shape. With all of that said, if you haven’t been in our area this winter, now is the time. You will love the hospitality and the riding opportunities and will love to come back again. See you on the Trails! Trail conditions are brought to you by Voyageur Trail Society, Inc. |
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